Building a purpose driven brand is a lot harder than simply building a brand. But it makes the work worthwhile knowing you are making a positive impact on the planet and its people.
Find what your ideal customer truly values and why : Do they value high quality? Local production ? A social cause ? Invest more in that specific area you know they will value.
Map our your sustainability strategy think what can your brand do in terms of environmental , social and economical impact ? Here are some idea for each category:
A. Environmental: 1.Use biodegradable materials, 2.Contribute to an animal cause, 3.Use natural materials , 4.Adapt a local supply chain
B.Economical: 1.Reduce waste , 2.Pay fair wages
C. Social: 1.Contribute to donating some profit to people in need, 2.Consider employing those in need by providing them with a skill and protecting their quality of life , 3.Supporting a culture's craft
3.Match the sustainability strategy with your unique value proposition and brand purpose , The key is to choose a sustainability strategy that means something to you at a personal level. For example one of my clients Paniery , supports artisans from her local country of Senegal by supporting their craft and selling traditional senegalese baskets within Europe. The key in succeeding within sustainability is this , standing up for a cause that is personal to you , that way you know you will be fully invested and committed .
4.Consider how your sustainability strategy fits into your business model : Sustainability is really the future of the fashion and beauty industries , but consider how you will be able to commit to it in terms of your profits. For example as a new brand who might still not be beyond breaking even it may not be the best idea to give 1 % of your revenue to a cause, but maybe use recycled materials yes. Its all about compromise .
