How you start your morning forms the key base for your everyday , we truly believe it is important to embed a mindful morning approach to maintain your balance within your everyday. We curated our favourite tips to build an everyday mindful morning routine:
1.Start your day out with a 5 min meditation: Sit in a comfortable and quiet place in your favourite posture , if you want we recommend holding a cushion to help you maintain your posture. Decide if you would like to use a meditation voice to guide you in this case we recommend the app headspace or insight timer. If not simply start observing your breathe , the air coming in and out , until your mind feels full decluttered.
2.Establish your intention for the day: This sets your day with a clear direction, make sure to choose something to focus on, this could be something key you want to achieve in the day or a key feeling you want to feel at the end of your day. Make a small phrase stating ; Today I seek to …, repeat this phrase to yourself several times before you start any obligations . The best is is really spend 1 hour before going out there, focusing on you and not letting the outside world in just yet.
3.Slow beauty routine: Instead of taking a quick shower try and make a time for youself where your shower time becomes a wellness ritual . Choose your favourite body cream, your favourite scent , and even if you simply shower with soap and water, try and be conscious of the key sensations that arise, from the water in your skin to the texture of the soap.
4.5 min morning pages: This is especially helpful for a cluttered mind or if you have a tough day ahead of you, before anything as soon as you wake up , take your favourite notebook and write down any words, feelings, phrases that come to your mind without judgement, simply let them flow. This will help let your thoughts, worries, feelings out , so you will start your day fresh with ease.
5. 10 min Short read : This is great if you seem to have no time to read that book on your bedside table. Before going out, sit comfortably , open that book and read for 10 min everyday. A little bit everyday goes a long way, and before you know it , you will finish your book.
6.Wish your close ones a lovely day : This is crucial to remind all those important people in your life that you’re thinking of them. Simply a short morning text, especially if you have loved ones far away , saying something like have a lovely day, even if its only that short phrase in the day, makes them feel appreciated .
The idea is to start with the tip that seems to be the most interesting to you and start adapting it slowly for everyday, once you have mastered one you can add the next one to construct a complete and unique morning routine.