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Mindful Actions 12 Day Challenge

Here is our break down of our favourite mindful actions for your everyday and the key steps to implementing them. During 12 days we recommend you select one mindful action per day to slow down and enjoy your everyday


A. open a blank page inside your favourite notebook ,

B. Right down a key thought

C. let your thoughts run free into paper , avoid judgement or thinking too much

D. Don't stop until you feel full clarity in your mind

2.A Walk in nature

A. Find A place close by with nature surroundings

B. go walking preferably alone

C. pay attention to your senses : what can you hear smell and feel ?

3.5 min Meditation

A. Sit in a comfortable position

B.Tune into your breath, by simply observing it

C. pay attention to your body sensations

D. Breathe in 3 times and out 3 again

E. Pay attention to any changes you notice in your inner state, after the practice

4.Yoga stretch

A. Start in a standing mountain pose, or sitting down cross legged

B. close your eyes and pay attention to your body sensations

C. Breathe in and raise your arms upwards

D. Take a deep breath out and take your arms downwards, slowly vertebra by vertebra


A. Choose a creative activity that you loved as a kid : painting, pottery, calligraphy

B. go to a space that inspires you, with good lighting

C. Make a moodboard with key inspirations on what you want to create

D. Use it as a starting point but let your imagination guide you


A. Go to a green space

B. Take off your shoes and pay attention to the texture of the grass

C. Take deep breaths and walk slowly

D. If your thoughts are bothering you always fully return to the sensations of the grass texture

7.Slow cooking

A. Choose one recipe you always wanted to do but never found the time or occasion , your chance is here!

B. Gather all the ingredients and start putting them together one by one

C. Pay attention to the scents , textures, and feelings as you add on new ingredients

D. Share with a loved one

8.Care for your plants

A. Select a set of plants corresponding to your weather conditions

B.Check how many times it needs to be watered per day (don't overwater).

C. make sure to place them close to natural light& find a good earth base

D. They say that naming plants after you, saying positive affirmations to them is also a self care ritual

9.Vision boarding

A. Write down key goals , aspirations, dreams you would like to become a reality

B. Print out inspirational pictures and words from Pinterest, cut magazines , that reflect the energy you want to attract

C. Put them together in a unique composition that best resonates with your vision


A. Decide on what you want to create (Decorations, clothing, accessories)

B. Draw the plan for your design regarding aesthetic and measurements

C. Gather the right textiles , buttons, zippers , you may need to make your design real

D.Start sewing little by little with a machine or by hand, make sure to stop every now and then to make sure you are on the right track


A. Select the key aquarelle colours you want to work with today

B. With a paint brush on some aquarelle friendly paper start to make gentle brushstrokes

C. Make this an intuitive process without thinking about the end result , simply enjoy every action

D. Use it as a starting point but let your imagination take over

E. At the end have a look at your work from a distance and see if any feelings, observations, associations come up

12.A Cup of tea

A. Choose a tea that appeals to your scent

B. As you drink it slowly be conscious of the variety of exotic flavours, colours, smells that this tea evokes

C. Pay attention to the warmth it leaves in your stomach

D. Get yourself a nice book and relaxing music for a calm afternoon

If you are struggling selecting an action for the day think about which mindful action you can embed easily during what specific time of your day . For example tea for your afternoon meeting. However make sure you put aside at least 5 min to focus on this activity.


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